From Start To End – In Search of Motivation

Have you ever found yourself struggling to find motivation to get something done? It can be very hard to meet inner or outer expectation when you just don’t feel like doing it. No matter how easy or difficult something is, without motivation it is like going against the wall. Just recently, I came across interesting… Continue reading From Start To End – In Search of Motivation

What Do You Need to Know About Growth Hacking

Growth hacking, as a discipline, has been on the rise for a while. You can see new job postings looking for a growth hacker popping up all over the web every day. This inevitably raises some questions. questions. For example, what is growth hacking? Who is a growth hacker? What are the common characteristic? What… Continue reading What Do You Need to Know About Growth Hacking

How To Make Remote Work Work For You

Working from home offers you far greater freedom and flexibility than the regular job. This might seem like a dream to anyone stuck in a cubicle looking on the clock and counting down the minutes until the workday is finally over. Unfortunately, the reality is not quite so simple. Anyone who wants to implement remote… Continue reading How To Make Remote Work Work For You

21 Tips to Improve Your Development Process Pt2

Welcome in the second part of the 21 tips to improve your development process article. In the first part you’ve learned about the first 12 tips and tricks to speed up and improve your development process in many ways. Today, you will get the rest. These tips will cover different areas to remain universal and useful… Continue reading 21 Tips to Improve Your Development Process Pt2

A Quick Guide to Customer Development Process Pt2

Welcome back in this quick guide to customer development process. In the previous part you have the chance to learn and understand what this process is and hat it is not. You also went through the first two phases called customer discovery and customer validation. Today, you will be able to complete your learning curve of… Continue reading A Quick Guide to Customer Development Process Pt2

Thoughts on Building a Brand and Getting Ahead

Personal branding is a pretty hot term right now. Take a look at bookstore and you will find countless of books on this subject. Rather than writing another post on how to build a personal brand, I decided to share with you some thoughts about creating and keeping personal brand and branding in general. If… Continue reading Thoughts on Building a Brand and Getting Ahead