Entrepreneurship and the Essential Traits You Need

As you might notice, in the recent couple of years entrepreneurship experienced almost rocket-like rise. Wherever you look, there is someone mentioning it, new book about it released or another podcast about it. Entrepreneurship is a trend and buzzword of this generation. One consequence of this hype is that some people are more and more… Continue reading Entrepreneurship and the Essential Traits You Need

Productivity 2.0 – Become a Productivity Machine

How many times have you found yourself at the end of the day completely exhausted with list still overflowing with tasks? Shelves in the bookstores and libraries almost burst under the weight of books dedicated to productivity. You can find countless of tips, tricks and tools that should help you get things done and accomplish… Continue reading Productivity 2.0 – Become a Productivity Machine

Business Rules for 21st Century Pt.2

In the previous part, you’ve learned about the first four rules of business for 21st Century. Just to recap … The first rule was to always own your product. Second was to divide and dominate the market and avoiding competition. Third rule was to change the game to make sure you are entering it with an… Continue reading Business Rules for 21st Century Pt.2

Mastermind group–How to stay on track

Entrepreneurs, business owners and freelancers all know what lack of motivation is. All of us have to face various roadblocks and obstacles on our way. However, nobody said we have to go through it all alone. There are various different tools that can keep you motivated and on] the track and one of them is… Continue reading Mastermind group–How to stay on track

Creativity – 10 tips to become an idea machine

What is one of the most important skills you should have in your arsenal? Coding? Maybe. Social skills? Also good to have. However, the answer is creativity. Like it or not, you are living in the age of makers. This world, and the future as well, belong to creative people who are able to create… Continue reading Creativity – 10 tips to become an idea machine

Lean startup in 6 minutes

Starting a company does not require having an extensive capital any more. You can start a business from your living room in day or faster following methods introduced by lean startup. In other words, no money, no access, no connections? Not a problem. All you need is to find out a need, pain or market… Continue reading Lean startup in 6 minutes