Intuitive User Interface and 4 Simple Principles to Create It

What if I told you that you can create intuitive user interface by following four simple principles? Would you want to know what these four principles are? And, what about how to use them to create more intuitive user interfaces? This article will tell you what these four simple principles are. Then, it will give… Continue reading Intuitive User Interface and 4 Simple Principles to Create It

The Deadly Trap in User Interface Design & How to Solve It

What is one of the deadliest traps we can fall into in user interface design? How can we avoid it? What is the difference between simple and dumb user interface? How can we make interfaces more intuitive? Have you ever asked any of these questions? What are some good practices for user interface design? This… Continue reading The Deadly Trap in User Interface Design & How to Solve It

15 Proven Ways to Increase Creativity that Work Pt.3

How hard it can be to increase creativity? Not so much if you know the right ways to do that. This is the goal of this post, give you the last 6 proven ways, or tips, that will help you increase creativity. Some of them will be more comfortable doing than others. Also, some will… Continue reading 15 Proven Ways to Increase Creativity that Work Pt.3

15 Proven Ways to Increase Creativity that Work Pt.2

There are many ways to increase creativity. Some work better, some work worse. This article will help you learn about another three proven ways to increase creativity. These ways are based on experience of innovator, inventors, writers, singers, artists, entrepreneurs and other creative people. Are you willing to test these ways to find out if… Continue reading 15 Proven Ways to Increase Creativity that Work Pt.2

15 Proven Ways to Increase Creativity that Work Pt.1

Creativity is like a muscle. If we want to increase creativity we have to train it and use it. The truth is that everyone can become creative. We just need to know what ways work the best. In this article, we will discuss the first six tested and proven ways to increase creativity and how… Continue reading 15 Proven Ways to Increase Creativity that Work Pt.1

Should You Start a Blog? The Truth About 7 Benefits of Blogging

Designer, Developer, entrepreneur. Everyone should start a blog, right? This is what many people are trying to convince us about. What if blogging is actually not the best choice for everyone? Blogging can have many benefits, but are these benefits real? What is the truth? In this article, you will learn about seven benefits of… Continue reading Should You Start a Blog? The Truth About 7 Benefits of Blogging