7 Big Mistakes Designers Make With Cards in Web Design Pt1

Cards are very popular trend in web design right now. They are literally everywhere. Just take a look at Pinterest, Google or Twitter. One reason why card-based designs are so popular is that they are great for responsive design. You can scale it up or down, to match every screen. It is no wonder why… Continue reading 7 Big Mistakes Designers Make With Cards in Web Design Pt1

Responsive pricing tables dilemma – Code

Creating complex responsive pricing tables was the subject of the last post. Today, we are going to look at how this idea I came up with in previous post – individual separate tables with hidden elements on certain screen sizes – works when turned into reality. Surprisingly, it works great! With just a bit more… Continue reading Responsive pricing tables dilemma – Code

Responsive pricing tables dilemma

Creating visually appealing pricing tables that will provide both, clear information and good design, are sometimes hard to make. Let’s forget that simple three-plan lists with couple lines at this moment. I want you to think about more complex ones. Think about a table containing couple different pricing plans with several lines in each of… Continue reading Responsive pricing tables dilemma

Rethinking the design for mobile

With time smartphones and other mobile devices got bigger and bigger and this trend will probably only continue and maybe even speed up. There is no doubt about it. Mobile phones are now closer to small-size tablets then ever before. Sooner or later the gap between those categories will disappear. Why is this topic so… Continue reading Rethinking the design for mobile

3 ways to deal with responsive images

Responsive images is one of the pillars of responsive web design philosophy. For a long time web designers have to use various creative ways to solve the problem of serving different devices with different image files. However, this should not be necessary now thanks to new picture element which was released by W3C.

Is better mobile or responsive website

You might see them or heard about them and some of you visited the in the past. We are talking about mobile websites. It looks almost like a waste time talking about these kind of websites when RWD trend is growing and in such a pace, but I think that this is actually the best… Continue reading Is better mobile or responsive website