React Native & Expo-How to Build Your First Mobile App

Have you heard about React native and Expo? Building desktop is great, but what about building mobile apps? What if you don’t have access to Android or Apple device. Or, you don’t want to learn Swift or Java. This is not a problem. React native and Expo allows you to build mobile apps on any… Continue reading React Native & Expo-How to Build Your First Mobile App

How to Build a Simple Website with GatsbyJS & PostCSS Pt.2

Building a website with GatsbyJS is incredibly simple. This tutorial will teach you how to use this static website generator to build your own website. You will learn about creating and linking pages, handling 404, managing static files and more. Learn what you need to know about GatsbyJS and build your own website. It is… Continue reading How to Build a Simple Website with GatsbyJS & PostCSS Pt.2

How to Build a Simple Website with GatsbyJS & PostCSS Pt.1

GatsbyJS is one of the most popular static website generators. This mini series will teach you all you need to use GatsbyJS to build your own website. We will start with a short info and what makes GatsbyJS a good choice. Next, we will install required dependencies and create GatsbyJS config. Finally, we will create… Continue reading How to Build a Simple Website with GatsbyJS & PostCSS Pt.1

How to Start Building Desktop Apps with Electron and React

Imagine you could build desktop apps only with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This is possible and easy with library called Electron. This tutorial will show you how to start building your first desktop apps with Electron and React. We will take a look at what dependencies are necessary. Then, we will set up Webpack. Finally,… Continue reading How to Start Building Desktop Apps with Electron and React

How to Use React Context to Build a Multilingual Website Pt.2

Have you ever wondered how to use React Context API? This tutorial will show you how to use it to build a simple multilingual website. In this part, we will start by creating navigation for our website. Then, we will build three simple pages. After that, we will prepare files for translation and make our… Continue reading How to Use React Context to Build a Multilingual Website Pt.2

How to Use React Context to Build a Multilingual Website Pt.1

React Context is one of the most interesting features in React 16.3.0. There had been a lot of buzz about this hot feature. In this easy tutorial, we will take a look at how to use React, React Router and React Context to build a simple multilingual website. I hope you will enjoy this tutorial.… Continue reading How to Use React Context to Build a Multilingual Website Pt.1