Masonry Image Gallery with Bootstrap 4 Modals

Today, you will learn about how to create an image gallery with Masonry grid system and Bootstrap 4 modals. In this tutorial you will be working with HTML, CSS and jQuery. That being said, this tutorial is suitable for people with wide range of knowledge, from complete beginner to professional. I will also include links… Continue reading Masonry Image Gallery with Bootstrap 4 Modals

Mastering card design with Bootstrap 4

Today’s post is about using the latest version of Bootstrap framework, made by team working for Twitter in the past, to create a simple layout card design. By the latest version I don’t mean version v3.3.5, but version 4 that is right know in alpha phase and under testing. Since Bootstrap 4 contains card component in… Continue reading Mastering card design with Bootstrap 4

How to Design a Website That Will Attract Your Visitors

So, you decided to create a website for yourself or your business. Unfortunately, getting your website online is not a sure way to success in the form of high traffic, daily visits and great rankings in search engines. So, how can you design your site to make it more attractive for your visitors? What are… Continue reading How to Design a Website That Will Attract Your Visitors

Performance Budget – Website Optimization the Right Way

On the front–end side of web development, performance is something that should not be ignored. What’s more, to show how important the performance is, new thing called performance budget appeared. Today, you are going to learn what performance budget is, why is it not so easy to set it and what ways and tools you… Continue reading Performance Budget – Website Optimization the Right Way

Mobile first navigation design

Mobile first approach is a very interesting movement in responsive web design and web design at all. Crafting website to suit perfectly the mobile devices instead of desktop is smart thing and you should include it into your everyday workflow. For the first time you might face couple of issues steaming often from your old… Continue reading Mobile first navigation design

Responsive pricing tables dilemma – Code

Creating complex responsive pricing tables was the subject of the last post. Today, we are going to look at how this idea I came up with in previous post – individual separate tables with hidden elements on certain screen sizes – works when turned into reality. Surprisingly, it works great! With just a bit more… Continue reading Responsive pricing tables dilemma – Code