What Every Web Designer Needs to Know About HTML Tables

HTML tables are here from the early days of the web. According to some sources, tables were part of HTML standard since version 3.2. It can be surprising that some web designers never worked with this element. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about tables. We will start with basic… Continue reading What Every Web Designer Needs to Know About HTML Tables

10 Best Practices for Designing More Usable Mobile Forms Pt2

Knowing how to design usable mobile forms is more and more important. The mobile web is on the rise. A lot of people use their mobiles more than desktop computers or laptops. And, it doesn’t look like this trend is going to disappear soon, rather the opposite. Some people think forms are not so important.… Continue reading 10 Best Practices for Designing More Usable Mobile Forms Pt2

10 Best Practices for Designing More Usable Mobile Forms Pt1

Designing and building great mobile forms is hard. Quite often, filling out these forms is not easier either. When we think about filling some form, we are usually not filled with joy. For most of us, forms are just a tool we need to use to get some job done. As a tool, it is… Continue reading 10 Best Practices for Designing More Usable Mobile Forms Pt1

Learning React by Practice – React Router for Beginners

Imagine you could change the content of the website or app without reloading it. Impossible? Not at all. You can do that with something called React Router. How? I’m glad you are asking. Today, I will take you through all steps necessary to get React Router up and running. From now, you will see reloading… Continue reading Learning React by Practice – React Router for Beginners

7 Simple & Quick Web Design Tips to Improve Your Website Pt2

Are you ready for another dose of web design tips to improve your website? And, not only in the terms of visuals. Performance of your website is as important to create excellent experience. What web design tips will we discuss today? We will begin with tips on choosing the right images for your website. You… Continue reading 7 Simple & Quick Web Design Tips to Improve Your Website Pt2

7 Big Mistakes Designers Make With Cards in Web Design Pt2

Web design is obsessed with cards. What doesn’t use this pattern is, by many people, not considered modern. Do you agree with that? A lot of clients and designers do. The problem is that there is a lot that can go wrong during the process. Designing perfect card-based layout is not as easy as it… Continue reading 7 Big Mistakes Designers Make With Cards in Web Design Pt2