Full-screen page with centered navigation tutorial

Some websites use this very nice feature of being stretched to full-screen no matter if they contain any content. It often comes side-by-side with full-screen photo on the background, some times also using a blur effect. However, our goal for today will be creating this full-screen page with photo on background and centered navigation. This… Continue reading Full-screen page with centered navigation tutorial

A Complete Guide to CSS Selectors Pt.2

Welcome into the second part of our Complete guide to CSS selectors. In first part we explored the basic ones and ended up with attribute selectors. Today we will continue with pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. Those of you who are not that grounded in selectors should look at Pt1 first. However, if you are ready, we can… Continue reading A Complete Guide to CSS Selectors Pt.2

Is better mobile or responsive website

You might see them or heard about them and some of you visited the in the past. We are talking about mobile websites. It looks almost like a waste time talking about these kind of websites when RWD trend is growing and in such a pace, but I think that this is actually the best… Continue reading Is better mobile or responsive website

What is CSS specificity hierarchy

One thing beginning Web Designers and Developers often misunderstand or even leave out completely is CSS specificity hierarchy. This not so wise decision can cause them a lot of troubles alongside with few headaches later on. Let’s fix it or prevent it from happening at all today. We are going to talk a bit more… Continue reading What is CSS specificity hierarchy