How to Make Your Business Outstanding next Year

The year 2015 is slowly reaching its end and 2016 is moving closer. Have you though about your business goals? If you want to make your business outstanding and dominate the market or even the word, you are on the right place. In this article, I will give you four advices on how to turn… Continue reading How to Make Your Business Outstanding next Year

Best Tested Tips on How To Start A Business

Do you want to start a business, but don’t know how? Then, this is your lucky day! In this article I will share with you six ways you can use to start your adventure. Some of these ways are more riskier some are less. All that matters is how hard do you want it and… Continue reading Best Tested Tips on How To Start A Business

6 Proven Ways to Build Strong Relationships

In this super-connected age, it is more important than ever to know how to build strong relationships and also to be able to keep them. This is the number one thing that distinguishes successful people from the rest, their ability to build strong relationships. Ask anyone who made it on his secret sauce and the… Continue reading 6 Proven Ways to Build Strong Relationships

Why Venture Capital Is Toxic for Your Startup

When starting a business, we often start chasing venture capital sooner that we should. What we don’t recognize is that this race for funding can actually be the first step on the road to destruction. In this article, I want to discuss with you why venture capital can not only do nothing good for your… Continue reading Why Venture Capital Is Toxic for Your Startup

Delivering Insanely Great User Experience

Delivering insanely great user experience should be primary goal of every designer. Without it, no amount of decoration and fancy features will save the product from slow death. In this article, you will learn about the three main components of user experience design. Next, I will give you 6 tips you can put in use… Continue reading Delivering Insanely Great User Experience

Startups – Myths, Lies, Fairy Tales and Facts

There are many myths and shadow places around the world of startups. Some of them are trying to play on our fear and are preventing many entrepreneurs from building their own startups and changing the world. If you have an idea for new product or service solving some real-world problem, no myth should stop you… Continue reading Startups – Myths, Lies, Fairy Tales and Facts