14 Advice to Young Designers to Build Successful Career Pt1

Young designers have to face many obstacles on their way to build successful career. There is plenty of knowledge you have to learn. And, this knowledge is constantly expanding. The technology side is not better. There is something new every week. In this mini series, I will give you 14 advice to help you deal… Continue reading 14 Advice to Young Designers to Build Successful Career Pt1

How to Write Clean CSS in 10 Simple Steps Pt1

Do you think you can write clean CSS? There are many web designers and developers convinced that writing good and clean CSS is hard. In a fact, a lot of people don’t like CSS at all. For them, CSS is pain in the butt. Here is a good news. Working with CSS can be actually… Continue reading How to Write Clean CSS in 10 Simple Steps Pt1

7 Simple & Quick Web Design Tips to Improve Your Website Pt2

Are you ready for another dose of web design tips to improve your website? And, not only in the terms of visuals. Performance of your website is as important to create excellent experience. What web design tips will we discuss today? We will begin with tips on choosing the right images for your website. You… Continue reading 7 Simple & Quick Web Design Tips to Improve Your Website Pt2

7 Simple & Quick Web Design Tips to Improve Your Website Pt1

Are there any web design tips to make your website radically better? Yes. The problem is that many of these web design tips are difficult to implement. Very often, you need to have some knowledge of web design. If not, these tips are useless. I hope this mini series will be different. I will give… Continue reading 7 Simple & Quick Web Design Tips to Improve Your Website Pt1

7 Big Mistakes Designers Make With Cards in Web Design Pt2

Web design is obsessed with cards. What doesn’t use this pattern is, by many people, not considered modern. Do you agree with that? A lot of clients and designers do. The problem is that there is a lot that can go wrong during the process. Designing perfect card-based layout is not as easy as it… Continue reading 7 Big Mistakes Designers Make With Cards in Web Design Pt2

7 Big Mistakes Designers Make With Cards in Web Design Pt1

Cards are very popular trend in web design right now. They are literally everywhere. Just take a look at Pinterest, Google or Twitter. One reason why card-based designs are so popular is that they are great for responsive design. You can scale it up or down, to match every screen. It is no wonder why… Continue reading 7 Big Mistakes Designers Make With Cards in Web Design Pt1