CSS tips and tricks #8-Playing with animations

Like it or not, CSS animations are one of the trends that will definitely shape the future of web design industry. Even though JavaScript is still heavily used to create animated states on numerous events on the page, its involvement is in decline. Thanks to great support from browsers, only IE 8,9 and Opera Mini… Continue reading CSS tips and tricks #8-Playing with animations

JavaScript 101-#4 – Variables and data types Pt3

After arrays, next data type to explore are objects. Objects are one of the most important thing in JS you can work with. Different people have different opinions on this, but they are definitely in top three. Objects are pretty huge subject to study and there are whole books on object-oriented programming, so we should… Continue reading JavaScript 101-#4 – Variables and data types Pt3

Tags deprecated in HTML5

Let’s talk about HTML5 tags a bit today. To be more precise, tags which were deprecated in newest HTML release. Reason for that is that some web designers and developers are still using those tags. If you are already familiar with this topic and create valid code, I’m proud of you and your clients should… Continue reading Tags deprecated in HTML5

JavaScript 101-#3 – Variables and data types Pt2

In previous part we discussed variables and some data types including numbers, strings and boolean. If you did not read that post, I suggest you to look at it first to understand how to create variables because they are fundamental aspect of any programming language, including JavaScript. Without knowledge about variables you will not be… Continue reading JavaScript 101-#3 – Variables and data types Pt2