Are reset CSS stylesheets useful

When the discussion about reset CSS stylesheets begin people quickly split into few groups. First group propose that reset stylesheets should be avoided for whatever reason. Second group, on the other hand, will recommend you to use it and even give you some links where to get it. The last group will be somewhere in-between.… Continue reading Are reset CSS stylesheets useful

Font Awesome tutorial

If you read some of tutorials posted on the blog, you probably hear me talking about font awesome. This font, or rather CSS stylesheet, is used to generate icons on selected elements. If you want to use this CSS font, go on Font Awesome website. For online version hosted on CDN go to “Get Started”… Continue reading Font Awesome tutorial

Grouping, organizing and cleaning your CSS

It was a day ago, on Friday, when I was working on project for my client and I realized that my CSS stylesheet looks like a mess. Seriously, it was a complete mess when it came to groups of rules. Even though I am consistent in sorting individual rules – I’m using Code Guide by… Continue reading Grouping, organizing and cleaning your CSS