Static, relative, absolute, fixed and now also add a sticky to it. CSS position property can be a bit harder to understand and to use all of its hidden powers. In this post I will also show you a quick trick to horizontally and vertically center any element using position property with margin. This also… Continue reading CSS tips and tricks #5-Playing with positioning
Tag: css3
Are reset CSS stylesheets useful
When the discussion about reset CSS stylesheets begin people quickly split into few groups. First group propose that reset stylesheets should be avoided for whatever reason. Second group, on the other hand, will recommend you to use it and even give you some links where to get it. The last group will be somewhere in-between.… Continue reading Are reset CSS stylesheets useful
CSS feature queries
Today we will take a look at something that is really sound of very close future. This CSS module was not fully released yet, but it is so awesome that it has to be mentioned. It is something what could be born if CSS slept with Modernizr. Weird?
CSS tips and tricks #4-before and after pseudo elements tutorial
Today we will take a look at :before or ::before and :after or ::after pseudo elements or selectors you can use in your CSS stylesheet. The difference between single and double-colon syntax is that single-colon is from CSS2.1 and double-colon is from CSS3 and not supported by IE8. Fortunately, all browsers support at least the… Continue reading CSS tips and tricks #4-before and after pseudo elements tutorial
Font Awesome tutorial
If you read some of tutorials posted on the blog, you probably hear me talking about font awesome. This font, or rather CSS stylesheet, is used to generate icons on selected elements. If you want to use this CSS font, go on Font Awesome website. For online version hosted on CDN go to “Get Started”… Continue reading Font Awesome tutorial
Custom HTML dropdown with jQuery
Why to use pre-created or pre-packed features if you can create and build your own? Default dropdown inputs does not look good at all and options to style through CSS are quite limited. If you have few minutes and are not afraid of jQuery, you can create your own dropdown according to your ideas. Let’s… Continue reading Custom HTML dropdown with jQuery