6 Proven Ways to Build Strong Relationships

In this super-connected age, it is more important than ever to know how to build strong relationships and also to be able to keep them. This is the number one thing that distinguishes successful people from the rest, their ability to build strong relationships. Ask anyone who made it on his secret sauce and the… Continue reading 6 Proven Ways to Build Strong Relationships

Startups – Myths, Lies, Fairy Tales and Facts

There are many myths and shadow places around the world of startups. Some of them are trying to play on our fear and are preventing many entrepreneurs from building their own startups and changing the world. If you have an idea for new product or service solving some real-world problem, no myth should stop you… Continue reading Startups – Myths, Lies, Fairy Tales and Facts

What Do You Need to Know About Growth Hacking

Growth hacking, as a discipline, has been on the rise for a while. You can see new job postings looking for a growth hacker popping up all over the web every day. This inevitably raises some questions. questions. For example, what is growth hacking? Who is a growth hacker? What are the common characteristic? What… Continue reading What Do You Need to Know About Growth Hacking

11 Bad Excuses Not to Be an Entrepreneur

Do you have dreams you are holding deep inside yourself? Do you have some idea in mind you would love to pursue, but you are constantly making excuses as to why it’s not the right time to chase it? If you want to be a successful entrepreneur you have to understand that you cannot have… Continue reading 11 Bad Excuses Not to Be an Entrepreneur

The Art and Science of Pricing Your Products

One of the toughest thing to do in business, if you want to succeed, is setting the right pricing for your products. Many people consider this feat a place where science and art transcendent. When you price your products or services correctly it can influence how much will you sell and so if your business… Continue reading The Art and Science of Pricing Your Products

A Quick Guide to Customer Development Process Pt1

In this age, starting new business venture is easier than ever before. We have unlimited access to resources such as Lean Startup and other methods how to discover new business opportunities. However, there are some parts that are more complicated than others, or they appear to be. Customer development process is one of them. Many… Continue reading A Quick Guide to Customer Development Process Pt1