Responsive navigation with Bootstrap 3

We already touched Bootstrap 3 framework in past when we were exploring its responsive grid system. If you are interested, head to Bootstrap 3 grid system demystified Pt.1 post. Now, back to today’s topic. We are going to dive into Bootstrap 3’s navigation code to bring some clarity into it and understand what individual classes do.… Continue reading Responsive navigation with Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap 3 grid system demystified Pt.3

Media queries, row, columns and offsets were discussed and we can check them out. The last two things that remained untouched are pulling and pushing. These classes included in Bootstrap can help you create interesting layouts across various devices. So, in this third part of the tutorial focused on Bootstrap 3 grid system we are… Continue reading Bootstrap 3 grid system demystified Pt.3

Bootstrap 3 grid system demystified Pt.2

In previous part we were introduced to basic fundamentals of Bootstrap’s grid system covering media queries and breakpoints, container, rows and columns. This might be enough for some small project like single-page website, but why stop here? Why not to take it to another level? Today, we will explore nested rows and columns and also… Continue reading Bootstrap 3 grid system demystified Pt.2

Bootstrap 3 grid system demystified Pt.1

Whether or not you will use Boostrap 3 as a framework for your projects and work, it is always good to play with what is currently available and hot on the market. This will help you understand how other people in the industry work and learn from them. Another thing is that you will see… Continue reading Bootstrap 3 grid system demystified Pt.1