JavaScript 101-#13 – If statement

In the previous part of JavaScript 101 series we finished exploration of data types by learning about objects. Today, we will take a look at topic that will be very important in your future work. What we are going to talk about are if statements. These statements, as you will see, will become very handy… Continue reading JavaScript 101-#13 – If statement

CSS tips and tricks #9-Display vs visibility

CSS properties visibility and display are very similar and can confuse some web designers and developers. I too, had a problem to distinguish them in time of beginning my journey in web design. For this reason, to help you smash or even avoid this problem, we will examine both of these properties in-depth along with… Continue reading CSS tips and tricks #9-Display vs visibility

JavaScript 101-#12 – Objects Pt2

Lastly, we practiced creating object, got familiar with „this“ keyword and also got better with accessing methods and properties of objects. All of this will be very useful today. What’s on program? We will take a look at another way to create objects constructors that can be used to create instances of objects later. Stop… Continue reading JavaScript 101-#12 – Objects Pt2

Transitions and animations in web design

One of the trends proclaimed for this and next year are transitions and animations. You can already see many examples of websites using these new CSS3 modules. Some of these websites use them slightly while others more heavily. What remains the same among web designers is the philosophy behind the way of using them. This… Continue reading Transitions and animations in web design

JavaScript 101-#11 – Objects Pt1

Ever heard about objects? I bet you did and if not, today you will get full dose of them because they are next on the line right after arrays. In this post we will explore this amazing world of JavaScript objects. The best way to learn something is to practice it, a lot, so we… Continue reading JavaScript 101-#11 – Objects Pt1

Responsive testing fallacy

When you design a layout for website, one of the things you have to consider in-depth is testing it on various devices to see how the layout adapts to them. Your goal is to change the layout according to resolution in fluid way that will not disrupt user’s experience of browsing your website. To do… Continue reading Responsive testing fallacy