11 Tips on Creating a Great User Onboarding Experience

User onboarding is important and often ignored part of product strategy. Done right, it can help your product succeed, increase user activation, retention and engagement. Done wrong, it can cause a lot of damage. Use these 11 tips and create user onboarding experience that will improve your product and delight your users.

The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.5

Do you want to level up your redesign process? In this article, you will learn about the last four steps that are necessary for successful redesign project. We will discuss tips on creating a mood board, building mockups and prototypes, delivering assets and testing. Without further ado, let’s take a look at how to level… Continue reading The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.5

The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.4

Do you want to do a website redesign like a Pro? You are on the right place! Today, you will learn about information architecture, what not to do, what is it the “why” of IA and some basics. Next, you will learn about wireframes, what are they and what are the 8 benefits of using… Continue reading The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.4

The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.3

What is the most valuable source of information for redesign process? Believe it or not, people. Who are these people? They are the real users of the website we want to redesign. Today, we will discuss how to approach these people, what to ask, what to look for, and much more. It is only with… Continue reading The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.3

The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.2

Competitor analysis can be a valuable tool in redesign process. Unfortunately, this tool is often either neglected or not used properly. It is time to fix this issue. This article will teach you all you need to know to use this tool right. With this knowledge you will be able to conduct competitor analysis in… Continue reading The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.2

The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.1

What it is redesign, and what it is not? Why we, or our clients, may want to do redesign? What questions should we ask before we start this process? Who are the people we should ask these questions? What should be part of project brief? We will discuss these and many more questions in this… Continue reading The Website Redesign Process – How to Redesign Like a Pro Pt.1