UI design – 10 steps for great user interfaces Pt10-Errors

Welcome in the last part of UI design series. Previously you learned a lot of things about minimalism and how you can achieve more with less. In this part you are going to explore one area many don’t like to talk about. It is eliminating errors from both, user and designer or developer side. As in… Continue reading UI design – 10 steps for great user interfaces Pt10-Errors

Personas: Crafting Great User Experience

Designer use many tools to perfect their design process and to increase the quality of their work. One of these tools are personas. In this post, I want to share with you information about this approach to design and give you executable instructions to include personas into your workflow. You will learn about its history,… Continue reading Personas: Crafting Great User Experience

Community, feedback and learning

The main subject of this post will be all about communities, how they can help you learn and become a better designer through valuable feedback and what can you do to pay it back. The second part is also important. It is one thing to accept someone’s advice and act upon it while another to… Continue reading Community, feedback and learning

The Question of MVP (or MLP?)

If you are familiar with lean startup methodologies, you probably already approached the MVP term. It stands for “Minimum Viable Product”. This is a fundamental stone of lean startup philosophy. When you want to build some product, you are not shooting for the “allinclusive” version loaded with tons of features. That would be only unnecessary… Continue reading The Question of MVP (or MLP?)

Rational perfectionist

The topic of perfectionism is touted for a long time and from all sides. Some psychologist will suggest that you should try to avoid the perfectionism at all cost and in all situations. Based on their experiences and years of trials, perfectionism may cause you real troubles in your life and work. No matter all these… Continue reading Rational perfectionist

The case of Dribbble and Behance

Pretty much was said about Dribbble and Behance, especially about Dribbble. If you are following discussions related to web design, you probably heard or read some of the complaints and biases. One of the often mentioned was elitism attributed to Dribbble. Haters were and still are complaining about the system Dribbble use to get new… Continue reading The case of Dribbble and Behance