7 Important Leadership Lessons from 5 Years in Business Pt2

Great leaders are made, not born. These people became great leaders thanks to the leadership lessons they learned and applied through their lives. I believe that anyone can achieve similar results by following their steps. In this article, we will discuss the last four leadership lessons that will help you become a better leader. These… Continue reading 7 Important Leadership Lessons from 5 Years in Business Pt2

7 Important Leadership Lessons from 5 Years in Business Pt1

There are two types of leadership lessons. Lessons learned from theory and lessons learned from practice, usually the hard way. In this two-part article, we will discuss the later, 7 important leadership lessons I learned from more than 5 years in business. If some of these lessons will sound familiar, please keep reading. You may… Continue reading 7 Important Leadership Lessons from 5 Years in Business Pt1

5 Simple Tips for Giving Great and Valuable Feedback

Giving feedback or critiquing someone’s work is easy. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean we are helping the author or providing any value. There are some characteristics or attributes great and valuable feedback must have. Otherwise, it is useless. In this article, we will discuss these characteristics and take a look at five simple tips to… Continue reading 5 Simple Tips for Giving Great and Valuable Feedback

9 Key Lessons From Working for Design Agency Designers Must Know Pt2

Working for design agency can be a great opportunity for designer to learn a lot about design and business. In this second part of this miniseries, we will discuss the last five lessons I learned from working for design agency. These lessons include topics such as focusing on moving fast and testing ideas, what to… Continue reading 9 Key Lessons From Working for Design Agency Designers Must Know Pt2

Should You Work for Free? No, and Here is Why

Doing work for free is one of those ways some designers are trying to get exposure and traction. Let’s face it. When you are just starting out, and have nothing to show, it is hard to find good paid jobs. Without a portfolio or at least a few examples of work, it is hard to… Continue reading Should You Work for Free? No, and Here is Why

Built to Last – How to Build a Company That Will Last For Centuries Pt1

Built to last or built to sell? Some entrepreneurs build companies with the purpose of selling them. Others build companies because they want to leave something behind, create a legacy. Their goal is creating great companies that will exist long after they are are gone. Recently, I read a book on this subject called Built… Continue reading Built to Last – How to Build a Company That Will Last For Centuries Pt1