Working from home – 5 tips to stay sane

Today it is much easier than ever before to work from home and even to start your own businesses with home as your base. Working from home has many advantages, but it also comes with challenges you have to face and solve. Many freelancers working from home deal with these obstacles on a daily basis.… Continue reading Working from home – 5 tips to stay sane

Remote work and hacking the workflow of employees

More than ever before we are seeing how internet and the possibility of working remotely across wide distances are changing the way we hire new people. In this day and age, you don’t have to search locally and hope to find the best people for the job. Your options are much wider now. With a… Continue reading Remote work and hacking the workflow of employees

The paradox of mastery

Couple days ago, I read interesting question on LinkedIn. One girl was asking developers how long it will take to master JavaScript. This question got my attention from two reasons. First, when people ask questions about learning they ask something like “how long it will take to learn x?”. I guess they mean learning from… Continue reading The paradox of mastery

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