Every password generator, and app in general, needs a great UI. For two reasons. First, great UI makes using the app easier and faster for anyone who wants to use the app. Second, we often judge the quality of the app according to its design. We see things with great design as better and more… Continue reading How to Build Password Generator with Electron & React Pt.2 – Creating the UI
Tag: lean startup
How to Build Password Generator with Electron & React Pt.1 – Setting the Stage
Have you ever wanted to build your own password generator? And, what about an app? This tutorial will show you how! In this mini series, we will learn how to use electron and React and build desktop password generator app. Today, we will start by putting together all dependencies. Then, we will create package.json and… Continue reading How to Build Password Generator with Electron & React Pt.1 – Setting the Stage
How I Built My First Electron App & You Can Too Pt.5 – Polishing, Building & Shipping
Wanting to create an electron app is one thing. Shipping it is another. Today, we are going to finish our app and ship! We will start by improving the UI. We will use styled-components to create components for custom checkboxes and lists. Then, we will implement a simple top menu. After that, we will use… Continue reading How I Built My First Electron App & You Can Too Pt.5 – Polishing, Building & Shipping
How I Built My First Electron App & You Can Too Pt.4 – Adding Timer & Notification
Building an electron app is so easy anyone can do it! All you need is just an idea. Then, this mini series will show you how to take your idea and build your first electron app, step-by-step. In this part, our goal will be creating, and then implementing, Timer component with a simple notification for… Continue reading How I Built My First Electron App & You Can Too Pt.4 – Adding Timer & Notification
How I Built My First Electron App & You Can Too Pt.3 – Unleashing the Electron
Building an electron app doesn’t have to be hard. It can be actually easy. In this mini series we will take a look at how to do it, step-by-step. In this part, we will put together the code that will power up our electron app. Then, we will create the first and also the main… Continue reading How I Built My First Electron App & You Can Too Pt.3 – Unleashing the Electron
How I Built My First Electron App & You Can Too Pt.2 – Preparing the Workflow
So, you want to build your own electron app? Do you have some interesting idea in mind, or just want to learn how to do it? You are on the right place! This mini series will help you learn all you need to achieve both. Today, in this part, our main goal and focus will… Continue reading How I Built My First Electron App & You Can Too Pt.2 – Preparing the Workflow