Business of the design

Design is a very hard and competitive business. I know I don’t have to tell you this. You don’t only have to create stunning and creative work for your clients, you also have to find them first. If you are working in an agency or for a company, the rules are a bit different. Still,… Continue reading Business of the design

Remote work and hacking the workflow of employees

More than ever before we are seeing how internet and the possibility of working remotely across wide distances are changing the way we hire new people. In this day and age, you don’t have to search locally and hope to find the best people for the job. Your options are much wider now. With a… Continue reading Remote work and hacking the workflow of employees

The paradox of exit

Exit is the main idea and goal many entrepreneurs start their businesses with. It looks interesting thanks to huge amount of information in news covering the latest sell and the new millionaire, or billionaire. This idea of becoming rich early enough so you can enjoy your money before getting too old is thought so seductive,… Continue reading The paradox of exit

Rational perfectionist

The topic of perfectionism is touted for a long time and from all sides. Some psychologist will suggest that you should try to avoid the perfectionism at all cost and in all situations. Based on their experiences and years of trials, perfectionism may cause you real troubles in your life and work. No matter all these… Continue reading Rational perfectionist

Unification of web design and originality

After browsing the Internet for a couple minutes, one almost always have to come up with conclusion that all of the websites are divided into just a few categories. These categories differ only in details such as size of individual elements like footer or sections, position of navigation, if they use ghost buttons or if… Continue reading Unification of web design and originality

Selling is helping

When you start your own business no matter if it is a company or freelancing, one of the most important thing to know, next to accounting, is how to sell. Some people know this naturally and some have to learn it. Selling is, by many people, still seen and also done more like trying to… Continue reading Selling is helping