This post is a reaction on conclusion about web and graphic designer that was made great friend of mine on facebook this morning. I wanted to write my opinion in a simple and short form at first, but then I decided to rather make a post on this subject. Purpose of this post is not… Continue reading The difference between graphic and web designer
Tag: web
Simple jQuery slider tutorial
Today’s post will be about creating a very simple image slider (or any kind of data) you can use in your projects. I know that there are many sliders on the web, but they are often too complicated and contain unnecessary effects and garbage code. For this reason, we will create image slider that will… Continue reading Simple jQuery slider tutorial
JavaScript 101-#16 – Switch statement
I hope that you understood and enjoyed the loops we discussed previously. The next topic in JavaScript 101 series, after loops, we will explore is “switch” statement. Curriculum for today will be all about what it is, how does it work and why it is better to use is in some cases rather than “if”… Continue reading JavaScript 101-#16 – Switch statement
JavaScript 101-#15 – Loops Pt2
Today, in part 2 of loops we will take a look at “while“ loop and its advanced sibling „do while“ loop. There will be many examples for you to practice these two types of loops and to understand them fully. “while“ and “do while“ are, after “for“ loop last available loops you can use in… Continue reading JavaScript 101-#15 – Loops Pt2
Unification of web design and originality
After browsing the Internet for a couple minutes, one almost always have to come up with conclusion that all of the websites are divided into just a few categories. These categories differ only in details such as size of individual elements like footer or sections, position of navigation, if they use ghost buttons or if… Continue reading Unification of web design and originality
JavaScript 101-#14 – Loops Pt1
In this part of JavaScript 101 we will take a look at one thing that will help you do your work faster, better and with less code. This subject is one of the favorite for many of programmers in any programming language. Our topic for today, and probably one future post, are loops! In this… Continue reading JavaScript 101-#14 – Loops Pt1