7 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid in Landing Page Design Pt2

Welcome back in the second part of the 7 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid in Landing Page Design article. I hope you enjoyed the first part and took the time to put the tips I shared with you into practice. In this second part, the mistakes you will learn about will cover wrong structure of your… Continue reading 7 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid in Landing Page Design Pt2

7 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid in Landing Page Design Pt1

What are the secrets of successful landing page design? Why some landing pages are gold mine while others are black holes? What are the mistakes you may be doing right now that are hurting your conversion rates? In this two-part article, you will learn about the 7 deadly mistakes you have to avoid if you… Continue reading 7 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid in Landing Page Design Pt1

Make the deal – The art of the negotiation

Have you ever wondered how Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Oprah, Sarah Blakely and other billionaires make the deal? These men and women are masters of trade, titans of business. What are they doing differently than the rest of the world? They know what they want and they get it. How? Learn the secrets they know… Continue reading Make the deal – The art of the negotiation