ES6, ES7, ES8 & Writing Modern JavaScript Pt2 – Template literals, Destructuring & Defaults

ES6 added many great features to JavaScript. Among these features are template literals, destructuring and default parameters and values. These are also the features you will learn about in this part. Improve your knowledge of ES6 and learn how to write modern JavaScript. Become a better JavaScript programmer!

ES6, ES7, ES8 & Writing Modern JavaScript Pt1 – Scope, let, const, var

Have you ever wondered what is the difference between var, let and const? Do you know when to use them? And what about scope and hoisting, and why so many JavaScript developers hate var? Learn about all these topics in this article. Master the nuts and bolts of ES6, ES7, ES8. Learn how to write… Continue reading ES6, ES7, ES8 & Writing Modern JavaScript Pt1 – Scope, let, const, var

Getting Started With Ruby the Easy Way Pt10 – OOP Pt4 and Beyond

There are few things every serious Ruby programmer must know about. These things include concepts such as access modifiers, to_s method, modules, mixins, structs, procs and lambdas. Learn about all these concepts and more in this part of Getting started with Ruby. Expand your knowledge and become an advanced Ruby programmer!

Getting Started With Ruby the Easy Way Pt9 – OOP Pt3

So far, you’ve learned mostly about the basics of Ruby and object-oriented programming. Now, it is time to take your skills further and explore more advanced concepts of OOP. In this part, you will learn about inheritance, method overriding, super and operator overloading. This will bring you closer to becoming a Ruby programmer!

Getting Started With Ruby the Easy Way Pt8 – OOP Pt2

Another part of Getting started with Ruby series just arrived! Learn about concepts such as instance and class variables and methods, accessors and … The self. Expand your knowledge of Ruby and object-oriented programming. Take the next step to becoming a Ruby programmer. You are closer than ever before!

Getting Started With Ruby the Easy Way Pt7 – Recursion, Scope, OOP Pt1

Have you ever heard about scope, recursion or OOP? If not, don’t worry. You will learn about these topics in this part of Getting started with Ruby series. Today, you will learn about what recursion is and how to use it. Next, you will learn about scope and its types. Lastly, you will learn about… Continue reading Getting Started With Ruby the Easy Way Pt7 – Recursion, Scope, OOP Pt1