Every designer has her own style of work and procedure to follow. This procedure in most cases compose of an idea generation either using pen and paper (analog) or software of designer’s choice. This stage is then followed or mixed with an inspiration stage. Here, you are freeing up your mind and letting it be… Continue reading Colorless design – Why you should avoid colors
Tag: process
Lean startup in 6 minutes
Starting a company does not require having an extensive capital any more. You can start a business from your living room in day or faster following methods introduced by lean startup. In other words, no money, no access, no connections? Not a problem. All you need is to find out a need, pain or market… Continue reading Lean startup in 6 minutes
Remote work and hacking the workflow of employees
More than ever before we are seeing how internet and the possibility of working remotely across wide distances are changing the way we hire new people. In this day and age, you don’t have to search locally and hope to find the best people for the job. Your options are much wider now. With a… Continue reading Remote work and hacking the workflow of employees
Team player – In search of a unicorn
This article was not planned in the beginning. However, because of all the great comments and messages you sent me about an interview, I want to dedicate this post to exploring the team player subject further more. You will take a look at what the top qualities a team player are and should have. Understanding… Continue reading Team player – In search of a unicorn
Design Tips for beginners – Everything I wish I knew when I started
Web design can be very difficult and lonely road to go and especially for beginners. Today, I want to share with you eleven tips and advice I wish I knew in the beginning. These tips will range across various categories. However, they are not put in any specific order. It is more or less random… Continue reading Design Tips for beginners – Everything I wish I knew when I started
Rethinking the design for mobile
With time smartphones and other mobile devices got bigger and bigger and this trend will probably only continue and maybe even speed up. There is no doubt about it. Mobile phones are now closer to small-size tablets then ever before. Sooner or later the gap between those categories will disappear. Why is this topic so… Continue reading Rethinking the design for mobile