Psychology of Design Masterclass – 7 Secrets of Social Dynamics

We all are social beings and our society is built on principles of social dynamics. When we design new products, we are creating things people will interact with. I think that it is important for every designer to know at least the basic principles of social interaction. As you will learn, we have certain expectations… Continue reading Psychology of Design Masterclass – 7 Secrets of Social Dynamics

Psychology of Design Masterclass – 12 Secrets of Motivation You Need to Know

What is the main source of our motivation? What makes people tick? Is there some science-based theory that will help us motivate people? Yes, there are couple dark secrets science can give us. In this article, we are going to dive pretty deep right into the fundamentals of the science of motivation. You will learn… Continue reading Psychology of Design Masterclass – 12 Secrets of Motivation You Need to Know

Psychology of Design Masterclass – 10 Secrets About Attention You Need to Know

As designers, we are working with people’s attention every day. Our work often depends on our ability to attract attention and spark curiosity in people’s minds. When we fail to achieve that, it is almost guaranteed that interfaces, products and experience we designed will fail as well. Our ability to work with attention is alpha… Continue reading Psychology of Design Masterclass – 10 Secrets About Attention You Need to Know

Psychology of Design Masterclass – 9 Secrets About Thinking You Need to Know

Design and thinking are deeply connected. The way we think can change how we perceive and understand the world around us in fascinating ways. The same design can induce different feelings and reaction in different people. In short, our thinking can completely change our experience. Today, in this part of Psychology of design series, we… Continue reading Psychology of Design Masterclass – 9 Secrets About Thinking You Need to Know

Psychology of Design Masterclass – 9 Facts About Memory You Need to Know

Do you know how your designs can influence people’s memory and overall experience? There are a number of amazing facts we know about memory we can use to design captivating user experience. In this part of Psychology of design series you will learn about nine most important findings about human memory you should, as designer,… Continue reading Psychology of Design Masterclass – 9 Facts About Memory You Need to Know

Psychology of Design Masterclass – 10 Secrets of Sight You Need to Know

Understanding psychology of design is a must for every designer. It doesn’t matter whether you design websites, magazines, apps or physical products. What matters is that your target audience are people and results of your work are going to be used by them. It is important for you as a designer to know how people… Continue reading Psychology of Design Masterclass – 10 Secrets of Sight You Need to Know