6 Proven Ways to Build Strong Relationships

In this super-connected age, it is more important than ever to know how to build strong relationships and also to be able to keep them. This is the number one thing that distinguishes successful people from the rest, their ability to build strong relationships. Ask anyone who made it on his secret sauce and the… Continue reading 6 Proven Ways to Build Strong Relationships

The pros and cons of having a co-founder

Do you want to start your own company? If so, do you want to go solo or thinking about bringing a co-founder on board? In reality, having a co-founder is, like many other things in life, a mix of benefits and disadvantages. For some people, this can be where their whole business idea will either… Continue reading The pros and cons of having a co-founder

Make the deal – The art of the negotiation

Have you ever wondered how Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Oprah, Sarah Blakely and other billionaires make the deal? These men and women are masters of trade, titans of business. What are they doing differently than the rest of the world? They know what they want and they get it. How? Learn the secrets they know… Continue reading Make the deal – The art of the negotiation

Product Development – How My Workflow Looks Like Pt1

Do you know what is better than being a well–paid employee, freelancer or consultant? Making money on work you love when you sleep. Product development is what can make this dream reality. Imagine waking up in the morning, looking at your mailbox and seeing notifications about new sales. How does that sound to your ears?… Continue reading Product Development – How My Workflow Looks Like Pt1

What You Should Never Tell Your Client

In freelancing and business there are things you should share with your client and things you should keep for yourself and your friends. Don’t get me wrong. You should not lie to your clients. I just want you to think about what you share with whom. In the end, you don’t want to scare your… Continue reading What You Should Never Tell Your Client

Hard things you don’t know about freelancing

When you try to search for the term of freelancing, you will find tons of articles. They will vary from tips to get started to how to optimize your work as a freelancer and maybe even to how to quit. Most of the information will focus on the brighter side and catchy phrases. Only few… Continue reading Hard things you don’t know about freelancing