When you want to learn something, you have several options to choose from. You can go to school and, in most cases, bury yourself under tons of theory or you can. You can also ditch school, college or university and jump right into the work process and start climbing the career ladder. There is, however,… Continue reading Internship – All You Need and Want to Know
Tag: business development
Outwit the competition and play your own game
Whether you are a freelancer, businessman or entrepreneur, you will find yourself looking for ways to distinguish yourself from your competition. You can call it branding, marketing or just doing business. All these terms are saying the message. You want to stand out, to step out from the crowd. You want to be different. What’s… Continue reading Outwit the competition and play your own game
Hard things you don’t know about freelancing
When you try to search for the term of freelancing, you will find tons of articles. They will vary from tips to get started to how to optimize your work as a freelancer and maybe even to how to quit. Most of the information will focus on the brighter side and catchy phrases. Only few… Continue reading Hard things you don’t know about freelancing