How to Build Simple Tetris Game with React & TypeScript

Playing games is fun. What’s better, and also more beneficial, is creating your own games. Why? It is a great way to learn new skills, or get better. In this tutorial, you will learn how to write your own Tetris game with React, JavaScript and TypeScript. Have fun and work on your programming skills at… Continue reading How to Build Simple Tetris Game with React & TypeScript

How to Build Simple Tic Tac Toe Game with React

Have you ever wanted to create your own Tic Tac Toe game? You are on the right place. This tutorial will show you how to do it, using JavaScript and React. What’s more, it will also show you how to use localStorage to store history of games. Get better in JavaScript and React and build… Continue reading How to Build Simple Tic Tac Toe Game with React

How to Build Trello Board with React, TypeScript & Styled-components

Have you ever wanted to create a Trello-like board with drag & drop functionality? Well, it is actually easier than you may think. This tutorial will show you how to do it, using React, TypeScript and styled-components. Learn all you need to build your own Trello-like board in just a few minutes.

How to Start Building Desktop Apps with Electron and React

Imagine you could build desktop apps only with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This is possible and easy with library called Electron. This tutorial will show you how to start building your first desktop apps with Electron and React. We will take a look at what dependencies are necessary. Then, we will set up Webpack. Finally,… Continue reading How to Start Building Desktop Apps with Electron and React

How to Build Password Generator with Electron & React Pt.3 – The Final Part

The main task of a password generator is generating passwords, right? This will be our goal for this final part. First, we will implement some functionality for Input and Checkbox components. Then, we will add a few tweaks. After that, we will finally put together the core piece of our password generator, the method for… Continue reading How to Build Password Generator with Electron & React Pt.3 – The Final Part

How to Build Password Generator with Electron & React Pt.2 – Creating the UI

Every password generator, and app in general, needs a great UI. For two reasons. First, great UI makes using the app easier and faster for anyone who wants to use the app. Second, we often judge the quality of the app according to its design. We see things with great design as better and more… Continue reading How to Build Password Generator with Electron & React Pt.2 – Creating the UI