Color is another fundamental block of design and you will encounter it everyday in your job. So, let’s talk about all the nuances color includes and the way it affects how it form our experiences of the world around us.
Workflow for CSS files
No matter how skilled as a designer or developer you are, having some workflow in your work process can make every project much easier to manage and also to finish. It also much easier to organize and orient in the code.
A quick dive into typography Pt.2
In first part of this course on typography, we’ve talked about history, difference between typeface and font and styles of typefaces. Today, I want to continue with mood, weight, style and anatomy of typefaces. If you missed first part, here is a link. Now let’s continue.
Need for speed – Page Optimization
Loading speed of your web pages is one of your biggest priorities when it comes to providing quality to people (and clients). When it comes to any optimization or customization of your files and code, it is great idea to make copies of those files and save them on some safe place just in case… Continue reading Need for speed – Page Optimization
Div VS Section – Who is the Champion?
When HTML5 was introduced by W3C for the first time, some people though that it will be end for long life of div tag. These people saw new sectioning elements of HTML5 as a new thing that will replace the divs. As we see today, they were wrong. But there are still people who don’t… Continue reading Div VS Section – Who is the Champion?
CSS under the lens
Good looking web page is important right? People browsing the world wide web want to look at something beautiful and have positive experience, not look at some shitty crap. While the loading speed of your page might be important factor for page’s success, only few visitors have timer with them while they browse. If your… Continue reading CSS under the lens