21 Tips to Improve Your Development Process Pt1

Are you in product development working on some cool things? You probably know how long and painful the whole process can get. Wouldn’t it be amazing to use some nifty tricks and tips to improve it, accelerate it and reach the finish line faster? Well, your dreams are about to come true. In this post… Continue reading 21 Tips to Improve Your Development Process Pt1

Make the deal – The art of the negotiation

Have you ever wondered how Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Oprah, Sarah Blakely and other billionaires make the deal? These men and women are masters of trade, titans of business. What are they doing differently than the rest of the world? They know what they want and they get it. How? Learn the secrets they know… Continue reading Make the deal – The art of the negotiation

All you need to know to get a job you want

Have you ever wanted to get a job in one of those big companies? Maybe you are aiming on some smaller startup instead. Anyway, getting a job as a developer is not about having the hard skills necessary to produce good and clean code. There is much more that comes to applying for a job… Continue reading All you need to know to get a job you want

Product Development – How My Workflow Looks Like Pt2

First and foremost, I want to say thanks to all of you who send their feedback and questions related to my product development workflow. I did not expect such a reaction at all. Since many of you wanted to know about the structure of HTML, CSS, Sass and JavaScript I use, I decided to write… Continue reading Product Development – How My Workflow Looks Like Pt2

Product Development – How My Workflow Looks Like Pt1

Do you know what is better than being a well–paid employee, freelancer or consultant? Making money on work you love when you sleep. Product development is what can make this dream reality. Imagine waking up in the morning, looking at your mailbox and seeing notifications about new sales. How does that sound to your ears?… Continue reading Product Development – How My Workflow Looks Like Pt1

Productivity 2.0 – Become a Productivity Machine

How many times have you found yourself at the end of the day completely exhausted with list still overflowing with tasks? Shelves in the bookstores and libraries almost burst under the weight of books dedicated to productivity. You can find countless of tips, tricks and tools that should help you get things done and accomplish… Continue reading Productivity 2.0 – Become a Productivity Machine