How to Build a Simple React app With Express API

Have you ever wanted to build React app with Express API? This tutorial will show you how. You will learn how to create a simple React app and how to fetch data from different API endpoints. Then, you will learn how to build API with Express.js, how to create controllers and routes and how to… Continue reading How to Build a Simple React app With Express API

How Shallow and Deep Copy in JavaScript Work

In this tutorial, you will learn about what is a deep copy and what is a shallow copy. Next, you will learn about what does “by value” and “by reference” mean. After that, you will also learn about when JavaScript creates shallow copies and when deep, and how to create deep copies of arrays and… Continue reading How Shallow and Deep Copy in JavaScript Work

JavaScript Arrow Functions – A Friendly Introduction

In this article, you will learn about arrow functions, the syntax, parameters, parentheses and curly brackets, and when you can omit them. You will also learn about implicit and explicit return, immediately invoked arrow functions and the main differences between arrow functions and functions.

JavaScript Scope Explained

Scope is one of the most important topics in JavaScript. In this tutorial, you will learn about what scope is. Then, you will learn about types of scope and how they work. You will also learn about ES6 variables, block statements, why they matter for scope. Lastly, you will also learn about closures.

JavaScript Loops – All You Need to Know

JavaScript loops are a great way to execute a block of code repeatedly. In this tutorial, you will learn about all loops, the for, while, do…while, for…in and for…of, and how to use each of them. You will also learn about the problem with infinite loops and what to watch out for.

Introduction to JavaScript Variables – What You Should to Know

Knowing how to work with JavaScript variables is a must for every web and JavaScript developer. In this tutorial, you will learn the basics, how to declare, initialize and re-assign JavaScript variables and how to use var, let and const. You will also learn about scope.