How to Build Simple Landing Page with Bootstrap 4

How to Build Simple Landing Page with Bootstrap 4

Table of Contents

How easy it is to build simple landing page with Bootstrap 4? The answer is that it depends. It depends on how well-designed and how complex you want your landing page to be. In this tutorial, I will show how to use Bootstrap to build a very simple landing page. And, I will do my best to use as little CSS and JavaScript tweaking as possible. If you ever wanted to learn how to use Bootstrap 4 and build your own website, this tutorial is for you. Enjoy it!

Demo on Codepen.


In the terms of assets, what will you need to finish this tutorial? First, you will need CSS and JavaScript assets for Bootstrap 4. The version used in this tutorial is alpha 6. Next, since Bootstrap requires jQuery you will need to add this library as well. Otherwise, Bootstrap scripts, for mobile navigation for example, will not work. I used jQuery 3.2.1, the “full” version.

The last piece of CSS I used is Font Awesome, version 4.7.0. One last thing. I also used Babel compiler so I can use ES6 version of JavaScript. However, you can skip this because the JavaScript we will use in this tutorial is not necessary. It is just a nice-to-have.


Our landing page, we will be building today, will contain seven parts or sections. These sections will be hero, about, features (divided into three blocks), pricing, testimonial with carousel, contact with form and footer. I did my best to use only classes provided by Bootstrap 4 framework. I had to make some small style tweaks. However, the majority of styles are still pure Bootstrap. So, even if you use only the HTML, it will still work on at least 80%. Still, custom CSS is part of this tutorial too.

Usually? I would split the HTML into smaller parts. Then, I would discuss with you each of these parts and take you through the building process. I will not do this today because it would take a lot of space. And, we would still need to discuss the purpose of all those classes. As a result, we would end up with a book instead of article. So, I will give you the HTML, link to Bootstrap 4 docs and let you experiment with the code. Here, you will find description for all classes. Let’s make this article a little bit unusual and experimental.


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     <a href="#" class="navbar-brand mb-0">CoWork</a>

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     <div class="col-md-10 col-lg-6">
      <h1 class="display-5">The Coolest Co-Working Space in Prague</h1>

      <p class="lead">Where you choose to work has impact on your productivity and creativity.
       It also says a lot about your business. We are the right office space.</p>

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       <a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="#sec-pricing" role="button">Reserve Your Spot</a>

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     <h1 class="h4">About us</h1>

     <p class="mt-4 mb-4">Co-working spaces are brilliant for smaller companies of up to 4 people
      who want a regular workspace. Cost effective, flexible and full of a vibrant energy that comes
      from hundreds of like-minded people going it alone.</p>

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     <h5>co-working spaces </h5>

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     <h5>members' bars</h5>

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     <h3 class="h4">Lockers</h3>

     <hr />

     <p>Lockers come in all different shapes and sizes and can be hired in any building,
      even if it’s not your home building.</p>

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       <path d="M30.87 45.83c7.49-3.55 15.87-4.88 24.11-4.7 112.02.03 224.05 0 336.07.02 11.17-.02 22.28 3.78 31.17 10.52 12.33 9.17 20.2 23.96 21.06 39.28 0 68.81-.05 137.61.02 206.42-4.24 0-8.48-.03-12.71-.02-.02-67.78-.01-135.57-.01-203.36.14-11.38-4.92-22.67-13.51-30.13-7.1-6.38-16.57-10.05-26.12-10.06-112.64-.01-225.28.01-337.92-.01-11.06-.14-22.05 4.54-29.57 12.67-6.98 7.34-10.84 17.41-10.78 27.52.01 98.02.01 196.03 0 294.05-.14 5.62.38 11.34 2.43 16.63 5.48 15.53 21.38 26.59 37.88 26.18 107.17.01 214.33-.01 321.5.01-.19 4.22-.08 8.46-.08 12.7l-3.95-.03c-.04 7.16.08 14.33-.06 21.49.2 3.42-3.03 6.19-6.35 5.85-18.04.03-36.09.04-54.13-.01-3.2.23-6.16-2.59-6-5.81-.23-7.17.03-14.34-.05-21.51l-164.46.01c-.15 7.35.22 14.71-.1 22.06-.13 3.11-3.14 5.47-6.17 5.26-17.37.07-34.75-.04-52.12.04-2.16-.05-4.64.11-6.3-1.55-1.92-1.49-1.96-4.08-1.93-6.29.08-6.51-.02-13.02.01-19.53-8.02-.12-16.04.23-24.04-.15-16.18-1.04-31.55-10.18-40.29-23.82-4.98-7.48-7.69-16.29-8.47-25.21v-303.65c1.04-19.15 13.35-37.08 30.87-44.87m53.65 397.7c-.04 5.2.03 10.4.01 15.61 14.38.01 28.76 0 43.14 0-.07-5.21.01-10.41-.02-15.62-14.38.03-28.75.01-43.13.01m231.07.03c-.04 5.19-.04 10.38-.02 15.57 14.38.01 28.77.02 43.16 0 .01-5.19.03-10.38-.01-15.57-14.38-.04-28.75-.05-43.13 0zM63.91 83.94c-.1-2.66 2.61-4.33 5.05-4 106-.04 212.01-.02 318.01-.01 15.27-.35 29.1 13.09 29.21 28.35.09 63.03.02 126.05.04 189.08-2.82-.01-5.64-.01-8.46-.01-.01-62.75.04-125.5-.02-188.25.22-11.04-9.69-20.94-20.74-20.7-104.9-.01-209.81-.03-314.71.01-.08 15.51.02 31.02-.03 46.54 6.58.18 13.18-.37 19.75.18 2.95.35 2.77 5.35-.21 5.52-6.5.36-13.03.02- 67.7 0 135.39.01 203.09 6.55.09 13.13-.21 19.67.17 3.05.28 2.94 5.22-.01 5.56-6.54.38-13.12-.02-19.67.15 0 15.51.03 31.02-.01 46.52 98.69.02 197.38.01 296.07.01-.12 2.96-.06 6.06 1.71 8.59-25-.35-50.03-.06-75.05-.14-73.64 0-147.28-.04-220.93.01-2.69-.14-5.56.41-8.12-.59-2.27-1.17-2.13-3.97-2.15-6.14.13-16.09-.01-32.18.06-48.27-5.5-.17-11.02.3-16.5-.17-2.97-.57-2.63-5.5.41-5.58 5.35-.33 10.73-.05 16.09-.1-.03-67.7 0-135.4-.01-203.1-5.51-.15-11.04.28-16.53-.19-2.59-.5-2.8-4.87-.18-5.43 5.54-.56 11.13-.04 16.69-.25.11-16.99-.12-33.99.1-50.98z"/></g><g fill="#1096fc"><path d="M226.12 119.02c3.84-6.56 12.59-9.57 19.66-6.74 6.05 2.18 10.41 8.28 10.5 14.72.09 4.51-.01 9.03.03 13.55 15.86 2.62 31.09 8.89 44.12 18.32 4.83-4.3 8.59-10.12 14.62-12.85 7.21-3.07 16.33-.03 20.17 6.82 3.51 5.73 2.91 13.62-1.51 18.7-3.24 3.62-6.86 6.87-10.2 10.39 9.39 13.03 15.69 28.24 18.27 44.09 6.99.53 14.63-1.45 21.05 2.12 6.54 3.55 9.9 11.88 7.6 18.97-1.85 6.26-7.82 11.07-14.35 11.44-4.77.2-9.55.01-14.32.08-2.53 15.87-8.92 31.04-18.27 44.1 5.17 5.91 13.25 10.61 13.94 19.2 1.24 9.7-7.78 18.94-17.52 17.81-8.74-.49-13.54-8.7-19.48-13.94-13.02 9.38-28.2 15.73-44.06 18.26-.56 8 1.96 17.51-4.23 23.95-6.19 7.36-18.8 7.11-24.68-.5-5.63-6.51-3.22-15.6-3.72-23.41-15.88-2.58-31.09-8.91-44.13-18.3-5.96 5.23-10.77 13.49-19.52 13.94-9.66 1.08-18.64-8.01-17.47-17.65.55-8.68 8.72-13.41 13.93-19.33-9.37-13.06-15.74-28.24-18.29-44.12-7.77-.53-16.79 1.9-23.3-3.66-7.93-5.99-7.98-19.18-.09-25.22 6.5-5.67 15.61-3.17 23.42-3.74 2.54-15.86 8.85-31.06 18.26-44.08-4.66-5.44-11.69-9.51-13.53-16.85-1.97-7.23 1.87-15.41 8.64-18.58 5.84-2.93 13.44-1.88 18.19 2.65 3.3 3.18 6.48 6.5 9.75 9.72 13.02-9.43 28.26-15.74 44.13-18.31.51-7.16-1.55-15.07 2.39-21.55m5.42 8.96c-.02 19.01 0 38.01-.01 57.02 5.63-.76 11.35-.72 16.99.01-.01-18.99.01-37.99-.01-56.98.37-4.69-3.72-9.11-8.44-8.98-4.75-.23-8.91 4.21-8.53 8.93m-47.74 35.09c9.47 9.46 18.92 18.94 28.41 28.38 3.71-1.87 7.55-3.49 11.52-4.75.01-13.4 0-26.8 0-40.2-14.32 2.49-28.07 8.16-39.93 16.57m72.51-16.56c.02 13.4-.04 26.81.03 40.22 3.97 1.23 7.79 2.86 11.49 4.73 9.46-9.48 18.95-18.93 28.39-28.42-11.85-8.4-25.6-14.07-39.91-16.53m-103.3 8.45c-3.42 3.08-3.56 8.97-.19 12.14 13.52 13.62 27.15 27.12 40.67 40.73 3.42-4.55 7.48-8.59 12.01-12.04-13.56-13.55-27.08-27.13-40.68-40.64-3.06-3.22-8.65-3.31-11.81-.19m162.17.22c-13.57 13.5-27.05 27.08-40.63 40.57 4.45 3.54 8.6 7.5 11.98 12.1l40.67-40.72c3.16-3.02 3.29-8.48.31-11.67-3.04-3.58-9.13-3.73-12.33-.28m4.13 30.92c-9.5 9.46-18.97 18.95-28.46 28.42 1.91 3.68 3.52 7.51 4.75 11.48 13.41.09 26.81-.02 40.22.05-2.37-14.35-8.16-28.06-16.51-39.95m-175.09 39.92c13.41-.01 26.82.08 40.23-.05 1.18-3.96 2.82-7.77 4.71-11.44-9.48-9.47-18.94-18.95-28.43-28.42-8.39 11.86-14.07 25.59-16.51 39.91m84.14-32.4c-10.28 2.43-19.72 8.22-26.53 16.29-8.7 10.16-13.01 23.91-11.65 37.22 1.21 13.77 8.55 26.81 19.58 35.11 10.49 8.01 24.22 11.61 37.29 9.67 14.56-1.95 27.97-10.78 35.62-23.31 7.25-11.63 9.32-26.32 5.65-39.52-3.51-13.08-12.63-24.52-24.6-30.87-10.69-5.82-23.54-7.42-35.36-4.59m-111.66 48.38c-.29 4.56 3.7 8.82 8.28 8.78 19.24.09 38.48-.02 57.71.05-.75-5.64-.73-11.36 0-17.01-19.21.03-38.42-.03-57.63.03-4.39-.08-8.25 3.8-8.36 8.15m180.62-8.18c.74 5.64.75 11.36 0 17 19.25-.05 38.51.04 57.76-.04 4.2.02 7.93-3.6 8.21-7.76.5-4.68-3.53-9.28-8.29-9.16-19.22-.08-38.45 0-57.68-.04m-153.11 24.82c2.44 14.31 8.11 28.07 16.55 39.9 9.46-9.48 18.95-18.93 28.4-28.43-1.91-3.68-3.5-7.52-4.77-11.47-13.39-.01-26.79 0-40.18 0m146.66 11.46c9.46 9.51 18.96 18.96 28.43 28.45 8.38-11.87 14.09-25.6 16.53-39.93-13.4.02-26.8 0-40.2.01-1.28 3.94-2.83 7.79-4.76 11.47m-138.17 47.59c-3.14 3.05-3.08 8.53-.06 11.64 3.03 3.38 8.81 3.57 12.03.35 13.66-13.56 27.22-27.22 40.83-40.84-4.5-3.46-8.57-7.47-11.99-12-13.58 13.64-27.24 27.2-40.81 40.85m133.82-40.94c-3.34 4.61-7.48 8.61-11.99 12.08 13.63 13.59 27.2 27.25 40.86 40.82 3.01 3.06 8.35 3.08 11.47.18 3.56-2.96 3.8-8.93.49-12.17-13.57-13.67-27.28-27.21-40.83-40.91m-74.26 16.43c-9.49 9.47-18.97 18.95-28.46 28.43 11.88 8.37 25.59 14.1 39.92 16.55.03-13.41.02-26.82 0-40.22-3.95-1.25-7.78-2.85-11.46-4.76m44.08 4.75c.01 13.41-.01 26.82.01 40.23 14.32-2.48 28.03-8.18 39.91-16.54-9.5-9.47-18.96-18.98-28.45-28.46-3.67 1.93-7.52 3.5-11.47 4.77m-24.82 1.7l.02 57.34c-.24 4.62 3.91 8.75 8.5 8.66 4.6.12 8.69-4.06 8.46-8.67.05-19.11-.01-38.22.03-57.33-5.65.76-11.37.78-17.01 0zM233.53 217.74c13.48-3.96 28.75 5.47 31.34 19.24 3.29 13.39-6.43 28-19.98 30.3-12.97 2.88-26.95-6.25-29.64-19.22-3.34-12.9 5.36-27.22 18.28-30.32m.83 5.85c-8.59 2.45-14.74 11.36-13.85 20.28.56 9.49 8.98 17.74 18.51 17.97 8.25.61 16.38-4.79 19.26-12.5 2.81-7.09.95-15.76-4.61-21-4.94-4.96-12.63-6.83-19.31-4.75zM363.85 302.94c-.07-3.2 2.96-5.79 6.08-5.56 12.61-.06 25.22.01 37.83-.03 2.82 0 5.64 0 8.46.01 4.79 0 9.57.01 14.37-.01 4.23-.01 8.47.02 12.71.02 10.57 0 21.15-.03 31.72 0 3.19-.28 6.36 2.27 6.31 5.57.17 8.93.01 17.86.06 26.78 4.54.09 9.09-.22 13.62.11 2.98.22 5.21 3.16 5.02 6.08.03 10.38.03 20.78.01 31.16.26 2.78-1.36 5.71-4.15 6.44-3.26.54-6.58.21-9.86.25-.07 6.88 0 13.77-.05 20.66 6.97.1 13.94-.17 20.9.1 2.6.12 4.37 2.37 5.12 4.67v34.4c-.66 2.41-2.56 4.7-5.22 4.8-4.91.28-9.83 0- 8.88.08 17.77-.04 26.65.1 3.17-2.8 5.89-5.94 5.7-35.03.08-70.06.01-105.08.04-3.34.35-6.7-2.37-6.53-5.82-.12-7.17.02-14.35-.03-21.51 0-4.24-.11-8.48.08-12.7 1.02-1.73 2.33-3.66 4.51-3.9 5.11-.42 10.25-.04 15.37-.19-.01-6.87-.01-13.73 0-20.59-4.47-.03-8.92-.06-13.38-.03-3.68-.02-7.56.48-10.96-1.27-1.77-2.53-1.83-5.63-1.71-8.59.13-9.42-.05-18.84.07-28.26-.13-2.78 2-5.5 4.8-5.83 3.07-.28 6.15-.1 9.23-.13v-20.63c-4.41-.07-8.83.14-13.23-.08-3.22-.05-5.72-3.19-5.41-6.32.05-10.7-.1-21.4.07-32.09m11.64 6.12l-.01 20.65c31.39-.02 62.79.04 94.19 0 .02-6.88 0-13.75 0-20.62-31.39-.07-62.79 0-94.18-.03m18.63 32.36c.04 6.88-.03 13.76 0 20.65 31.41-.01 62.81-.01 94.22-.01.01-6.88.01-13.76 0-20.63-31.4.01-62.81-.03-94.22-.01m-14.05 32.35c.06 6.88-.03 13.77 0 20.65 31.4-.14 62.8.1 94.2 0 .02-6.88.01-13.76.01-20.63l-94.21-.02m26 32.36c.05 6.88-.02 13.77.01 20.66 31.4.05 62.8-.12 94.19 0 .03-6.89.01-13.77 0-20.66-31.4.01-62.8.02-94.2 0m-19.95 32.36c-.03 6.88.05 13.76 0 20.64l94.21.03c-.01-6.87.01-13.74-.01-20.61-31.4-.19-62.81.03-94.2-.06z"/>

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     <svg class="feature-icon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
      <g fill="#01305d"><path d="M387.03 28.2c39.65-.16 79.3-.06 118.95-.06 2.42-.14 3.81 3.24 2.07 4.9-1.01 1.24-2.68.87-4.06.93-38.69-.02-77.39.05-116.08-.01-3.37.31-4.01-4.92-.88-5.76zM324.49 57.5l1.33-.81c27.73-.04 55.46-.1 83.18.03 3.07.61 2.76 5.57-.36 5.76-27.23.08-54.47.02-81.71.03-2.6.44-4.57-3.24-2.44-5.01zM0 87.96c.82-3.02 3.87-5.05 6.97-4.67 166.05.01 332.1 0 498.15 0 3.03-.35 5.8 1.63 6.88 4.4v336.3c-.82 3-3.83 5.04-6.91 4.7h-498.12c-3.05.37-5.88-1.57-6.97-4.37v-336.36m12.17 7.09c-.02 1.59-.03 3.18.04 4.77-.09 104.34.07 208.68-.08 313.01l.67-.53c-1.25 1.17-.4 3.15-.63 4.66 2.47.06 4.94.08 7.4 0 155.47.06 310.93.02 466.4.02 2.13.22 4.28-.44 6.36.37l-.28- 5.02.21 0-104.12.12-208.24-.06-312.35.1-1.63.11-3.26.1-4.88-2.13-.08-4.26-.11-6.38 0-158.25-.09-316.51-.01-474.76-.05l.91.87c-1.93-1.79-5.01-.53-7.41-.81z"/></g><path fill="#1096fc" d="M12.17 95.05c2.4.28 5.48-.98 7.41.81 79.2 70.66 158.39 141.32 237.61 211.94 78.76-70.89 157.47-141.86 236.24-212.76 2.12-.11 4.25-.08 6.38 0 .01 1.62 0 3.25-.1 4.88-58.23 52.78-116.8 105.2-175.13 157.88 58.34 51.56 116.92 102.84 175.19 154.47.07 1.56.06 3.13.03 4.7-2.53-.06-5.08.41-7.55-.27l-.2-.55-.19-.56c-26.15-22.6-51.92-45.68-77.94-68.46l-95.28-83.94c-19.58 17.51-39.04 35.17-58.6 52.72-1.55 1.58-4.32 1.48-5.83-.1-17.48-15.58-34.94-31.18-52.43-46.76l-.45-.02c-60.58 49.31-121.15 98.64-181.76 147.93-2.46.08-4.93.06-7.4 0 .23-1.51-.62-3.49.63-4.66 60.92-49.62 121.85-99.21 182.8-148.78-61.12-54.57-122.36-109.02-183.39-163.7-.07-1.59-.06-3.18-.04-4.77z"/>

    <div class="col-md-6">
     <h3 class="h4">Building address/Mail handling</h3>

     <hr />

     <p>A Czech business address for you and your mail. We can either hold your mail
      for you to collect, or forward it on to wherever you are.</p>

   <div class="row align-items-center">
    <div class="col-md-6">
     <h3 class="h4">Call answering</h3>

     <hr />

     <p>We’ll provide someone to answer your calls professionally using your company name.
      They’ll be put through to you, or we’ll take a message if you’re unavailable.</p>

    <div class="col-md-6 text-center">
     <svg class="feature-icon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
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We were building this landing page exclusively with Bootstrap 4 framework. As a result, there are only a few style changes or customizations we need to do. The first change is related to hr element. Bootstrap uses full-width hr elements. I would rather use shorter and more subtle ones for our landing page. So, let’s set the max-width property to 40px. When we change the max-width, these horizontal breaks will center themselves.

Bootstrap centers this element with margin set to auto. Let’s “push” these breaks on the left side. In order to do so, we have to basically reset the left margin. In other words, we will set margin-left to “0”.


/* Resets */
hr {
 margin-left: 0;
 max-width: 40px;

Customizing the jumbotron

Next changes is related to jumbotron, or hero. Let’s spice up our landing page with nice background image and apply dark overlay. We will apply the overlay through :before pseudo-element. Simply said, we will create a rectangle with semi-transparent background and lay it over the jumbotron. In order to do so, we will set its position to “absolute” and top and left properties to “0”. We also have to set content property to “”. Otherwise, the overlay (:before pseudo-element) will not appear.

Next, we can add some space around the content of the jumbotron by selecting .container class and using padding. Finally, we have to change the color of the text inside the jumbotron. The default color is black. Since we are using dark overlay, we need lighter color to make the text stand out on our landing page. Let’s keep it simple and choose white. That will do the job. One more thing. Let’s change the color of primary button to lighter shade of blue and remove its border.


/* Jumbotron (hero) */
.jumbotron {
 position: relative;
 background: url(
             no-repeat bottom center / cover;
 &:before {
  position: absolute;
  content: '';
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
 .container {
  padding: 75px 0;
 .lead {
  color: #fff;

/* Custom button */
.btn-primary {
 background: #1096fc;
 border: 0;
 &:hover {
  background: darken(#1096fc, 7%);

Polishing features section

Another part of our landing page requiring small tweaking is features section. It seems to me that rows in this section deserve more space. To do so, we will add top margin to every row, except the first. Then, we will also add bottom margin to the last one. After that, we need to set some maximum width for those icons. Otherwise, these icons will be too big. Sure, we want the icons to be eye-catching. However, even this has its limits. Let’s use max-width property and set it to “150px”. With these changes features section will become more spacious.


/* Features */
.sec-features {
 .row { 
  &:nth-of-type(n+2) {
   margin-top: 160px;
  &:last-of-type {
   margin-bottom: 160px;
 .feature-icon {
  max-width: 150px;

Working on testimonials section

Testimonials section is another part that needs tweaking from our side. First, we will add a bit space to the edges using margin. Next, we need to fix a number of issues with carousel. First, we need to change position of carousel indicators. There are too close to slides. So, let’s set the bottom to “-30px”. This will move the carousel indicators lower. Next, we will change the background of indicators, active and non-active, to shade of black.

The default value is semi-transparent white. Our landing page is white as well. In other words, these indicators would be invisible. Then, we need to do the same with carousel arrows. Here too, is the default color set to semi-transparent white. Let’s change it again to dark shade of black. And, let’s use even darker black for :hover and :focus states.


/* Testimonials */
.sec-testimonials {
 padding-top: 128px;
 padding-bottom: 128px;

/* Carousel */
.carousel-indicators {
 bottom: -30px;

 li {
  background: rgba(33, 33, 33, .1);

  &:hover {
   background: rgba(33, 33, 33, .5);
 .active {
  background: rgba(33, 33, 33, .75);

.carousel-control-prev {
 & {
  color: #212121;

 &:hover {
  color: #111;

Styling the footer

We are in the last part of tweaking the styles of our landing page! Our landing page is mostly white. Let’s add some contrast by making the footer dark. We should also use padding to add some breathing space. Let’s also use margin to space-out list items. Finally, we should change the color of links, default and on :hover and :focus states. And, we can add subtle transition to make transition between these states smoother.


/* Footer */
.footer {
 padding-top: 24px;
 padding-bottom: 24px;
 background: #212121;
 li {
  &:nth-of-type(n+2) {
   margin-left: 8px;
 a {
  font-size: 18px;
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5);
  transition: color .235s ease-in-out;
  &:hover {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .25);


In the terms of JavaScript, there is just one small tweak that could be a good thing do. Let’s make scrolling after clicking on navigation links smoother. In order to that, we will use jQuery and “watch” for any link with “#” symbol in href attribute. However, we will exclude any links with href attribute containing only “#” symbol and no other characters. We will then save the hash of the link inside const and, if the hash exist (has length), we will animate the scroll.


$(() => {
 $('a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click((e) => {
  const target = $(;

  if (target.length) {
   $('html, body').animate({
    scrollTop: target.offset().top
   }, 1000);

   return false;

Closing thoughts on building landing page with Bootstrap 4

This is it! You’ve just build your own simple landing page based on Bootstrap 4 framework. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned how to use Bootstrap to build your own website. Another step you can try is using Bootstrap to build more complex website. You can also use this framework to build some web app. Or, you can use your React.js skills and rewrite this landing page into React.js. The only limit is your own imagination.

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By Alex Devero

I'm Founder/CEO of DEVERO Corporation. Entrepreneur, designer, developer. My mission and MTP is to accelerate the development of humankind through technology.

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